The videos below are discussed in the GECCO 2013 conference paper, Single-Unit Pattern Generators for Quadruped Locomotion.

CTRNN walker - best training performance

Download movie of CTRNN walker - best training performance(AVI)

The overall champion from all 20 runs on the CTRNN architecture is shown. It walks 7.63m in the training period and 36.90m in the 5 minute trial.

sine wave walker - best training performance

Download movie of sine wave walker - best training performance(AVI)

The overall champion from all 20 runs on the sine wave architecture is shown. It walks 7.83m in the training period and 11.51m in the 5 minute trial.

SUPG walker - best training performance

Download movie of SUPG walker - best training performance(AVI)

The overall champion from all 20 runs on the SUPG architecture is shown. It walks 11.71m in the training period and 84.10m in the 5 minute trial. This individual displays the walking gait.

SUPG walker - pace gait

Download movie of SUPG walker - pace gait(AVI)

This individual, who was evolved on the SUPG architecture, displays the pace gait.

SUPG walker - trot gait

Download movie of SUPG walker - trot gait(AVI)

This individual, who was evolved on the SUPG architecture, displays the trot gait.

SUPG walker - three hour walker

This individual is still walking after three hours of testing, even though training trials are only 15 seconds long.