Computer Science Graduate Resources

Computer Science Graduate Resources
  • Graduate Student Handbook
  • Qualifying Exams
  • Recent Publications
  • Current Grants
  • Recent Ph.D. Dissertations
  • Recent Master's Theses and Surveys
  • Program Descriptions from Graduate Calalog
  • Course Descriptions
  • CS Graduate Course WWW Pages
  • Graduate Students
  • Request Info on Graduate Programs

    Upcoming Dates and Events

    Related Websites
    UCF Graduate Admissions Page
    CECS Graduate Page (prospective CS graduate students must preapply at this site)

    Contact Information
    Dr. Ron Dutton
    Computer Science Graduate Program Coordinator
    School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    University of Central Florida
    Orlando, FL 32816-2362
    TEL: (407) 823-2920
    FAX: (407) 823-5419