Song 3


  • Song 3:
  • Score

    Evolutionary Process

    For Song 3, Zachary Merritt first created a layer that influences most of the other layers, but is not heard in the final track. The fourth layer was generated from the third, which is influenced by the monophonic melody and the unheard layer. The fifth layer was generated from the population of the fourth layer with the rhythm network held constant to create a chordal feel. The sixth layer was generated from only the initial starting melody and another special timing signal that imparts a sense of the position in the overall piece (Hoover and Stanley 2009). Similarly, the seventh layer is generated from only the initial starting melody, but adds a separate timing input, sin(πx), where x is the time in measure. Although there are seven layers described in this procedure, only six were selected to be heard, which means that there is a five-part accompaniment.

    The key decisions made by the users are in general from which tracks to generate more tracks. Of course the users also performed the IEC selection operations to breed each new layer. Importantly, none such decisions require musical expertise.